We walked around town a little bit, taking in the Cathedral:
Then we walked across the Loch to the castle, which is the courts these days, so we couldn’t go inside:
There’s some really nice views along the Loch from here. Though we didn’t see Nessie anywhere:
We made our way back into the town. I wanted to see if I could get a proper case for my mobile, as well as a backup battery so I could use it for navigating etc for more than 5 minutes. It seems the car charger for it works, but can’t keep up with the amount of power the GPS draws, so it still depletes while it’s charging! Anyway, I couldn’t help but take photos of beautiful buildings along the way, such as the Town House, the unicorn with the seagulls(?) statue, the cute, fat little church near where we had lunch at The Steak Academy:
We popped across the river again to photograph another pretty little church (there is a lot of them), as well as the other bank:
Then it was time to say goodbye to Inverness and head to Cawdor Castle. The Orkadian we met told me that Cawdor Castle is more like a country house than a castle. Don’t know what he means really. Looks castle-like to me :-) The description sheets in each room were funny. Whoever wrote these had a sense of humour!:
We drove up the path to Brodie Castle, knowing it was too late to visit, but photographed the Rodney Stone (pictish) and the castle anyway:
We had a bit of trouble finding a place to stay in Elgin, but one place recommended another (owned by them, though) at the other end of town. After telling us there was no B&B in town that would do our washing, her husband (who ran the Belleville which we ended up at) did our washing no problem whatsoever and even took it to her to dry in her dryer :-). (When I checked the Lonely Planet the next morning, this was the only one recommended in the town!) We walked through town, which was pretty dead for a Saturday night. There were only a couple of places open and they stopped serving food at 8pm. We ended up at a pizza place which was actually quite nice.